Just a few steps from our bucolic, country home in Ohio is my studio. A quiet place where I am free to create, undistracted, in peace.

All my life I have dreamed of having a studio in the country, a quiet, earthy place where I am free to come and go as the creative spirit hits me. I had prayed for such a place for years. 25 years ago my wife Cindy and I moved our four children to beautiful Knox County, Ohio. God gave me the desire of my heart!
My art studio also has a wood shop and chicken coop attached to it. I love to work with wood, and occasionally sculpt in foam. The chickens provide ambiance and eggs!

When I go to “work”, I walk the 50 steps or so from my house to a garage-turned-studio. As I sit at my drawing table I look out the large front window at my Amish neighbor's house, field, horses, and buggies zipping by.
Most of my time is spent either sketching or painting with Prismacolor pencils or Liquitex acrylic paint (with Windsor Newton Regency Gold brushes). I love my time spent “working”. Though deadlines add an element of stress, for the most part I find peace in my studio - at the drawing board.

The studio is fully stocked with everything an artist/illustrator needs; from all drawing and painting tools (t-squares, angels, pencils, sharpeners, brushes, palettes) to sketch pads, illustration boards and canvases and every kind of paint: oil, watercolor, acrylic.


Though I try to keep it simple and traditional, I also utilize more modern tools like my iMac, scanner, projector, copier, air compressor and air brush. The furnishings are few, but special. I have two antique drawing tables (which I refinished myself) and a huge oak flat file, purchased from an auction years ago (my favorite piece)!

My studio is filled with some 30 years of artwork. Some hangs on the walls; most is piled everywhere! I am proud of my bookshelves filled with art books, reference books, history books and children’s books. 

The most stellar feature of my studio has to be its beautiful country setting. I can hear the chickens (and rooster!) at all times, and occasionally hear the horse and buggies go past on our dirt road. I keep an eye on my Amish neighbor’s horses, penned in the field in front of my studio. Our dogs and cats typically rest in the chair next to my drawing table. I love what I do, and I especially love where I get to do it!